Labor Market Adjustments to Trade Shocks Among German Firms
主讲人:俞斌 英国埃塞克斯大学
主持人:王泽荣 新葡的京集团350vip8888
线上:腾讯会议ID 723-622-050
We study how German manufacturing establishments adjust their labour inputs in response to trade shocks from the rising trade integration of China and Eastern Europe over the 1988-2010 period. Using administrative establishment-level data, we find that firms' workforce expands with increased export exposure, but contracts facing import competition. Export exposure also increases establishment survival, while import competition reduces it. Small and medium-sized firms react the most, using hiring as the primary margin to adjust employment growth. Positive trade shocks increase employment particularly for medium-skilled full-time workers and apprentices, and more for male than female workers. If other firms in the same local labour market are also subject to positive trade shocks, then firms adjust more by reducing separations rather than increased hiring, and find it harder to hire apprentices. Employment responses to trade shock are moderated by proxies for firm quality, and firms' experience in R&D and apprenticeship training. (Work in Progress)
俞斌,英国埃塞克斯大学新葡的京集团350vip8888博士生, 研究方向为微观计量,劳动经济学,贸易,科技等相关话题。近些年在英国皇家经济学会,欧洲经济学会,国际计量经济学会,欧洲劳动经济学会,欧洲人口经济学组织的会议中报告过工作论文。